Pedigree Submissions/Corrections

Is your dog included in the Entlebucher Pedigree Database?

All Entlebuchers owned or produced by NEMDA members should be reported for inclusion in the Pedigree Database. Please register online to verify that your dogs’ information is listed correctly in the database. If your dog(s) are not included or if corrections are needed, please use the form below to submit your information.

Owner Information

Dog Information

Pedigree Documentation

Please upload official pedigree document.


Please upload official health documents if you would like this information included in the database.

Please upload a photo if you would like to include one in the database.

Verification and Submission

NOTE: When you click submit, this form and the uploaded files will be emailed to EntleDatabase, a receipt will be emailed to the owner address above, and the information in the form will be cleared.
For security verification, please enter any random two digit number. For example: 93