BCOE Partner Application

Thank you for your interest in the NEMDA Breeder Code of Ethics Partner Program.

The NEMDA Breeder’s Code of Ethics program was developed by breeders for breeders, with the best interest of the Entlebucher in mind; and provides an educational approach to assist breeders of Entlebucher Mountain Dogs. There is no one right way to breed Entlebuchers, which is why the Breed Committee would like to encourage participation from breeders with varying levels of experience. Realizing the knowledge and experience of retired breeders should not be lost, and that potential future breeders should have access to a strong educational program before breeding, NEMDA has expanded the BCOE program to include BCOE Partners.

The BCOE Partner is a NEMDA member who has an interest in breeding but does not currently own or co-own any breeding Entlebucher(s) and may:

      • Be a former breeder who has retired from breeding
      • Be a former breeder without any intact Entlebuchers of breeding age
      • Have a young Entlebucher who is potentially a candidate for breeding
      • Be thinking about becoming an Entlebucher breeder in the future
      • Have a strong desire to learn more about breeding

A BCOE Partner has intentions of learning and preparing for breeding later or has an interest in maintaining contact with other breeders and acting as a mentor, even after retiring from breeding. BCOE Partners with intact Entlebuchers that come of breeding age are expected to upgrade to full BCOE status. BCOE Partner fees within a calendar year may be used to offset regular status BCOE fees. Entlebucher breeders outside of North America may join the BCOE Partner program rather than as a full status BCOE Breeder, provided they follow the breeding guidelines of their home country’s Entlebucher (parent) club.

Click here for a hard-copy alternative to this online application.

BCOE Partner Application

Entlebucher Information

Additional Information

Code of Ethics Agreement

I am a NEMDA member in good standing, and I hereby apply to be a NEMDA Code of Ethics Partner. I agree to uphold the rules and standards of the BREEDERS’ CODE OF ETHICS of the National Entlebucher Mountain Dog Association.

Verification and Submission

NOTE: When you click submit, this form will be emailed to the Breeding Panel, a receipt will be emailed to the owner address above, and the information in the form will be cleared.
For security verification, please enter any random two digit number. For example: 68