Breeder COE Application

Thank you for applying to be a NEMDA Code of Ethics Breeder.
Click here for a hard-copy alternative to this online application.

Note: You may also fill out the required fields in the Form below and upload your completed hard-copy for submission to the Breed Committee.

BCOE Breeder Application

Entlebucher #1 Information

Please resize documents to file sizes less than 500 mb each.
Exam date must be within last 12 months.
Exam date must be within last 12 months.

Entlebucher #2 Information

Please resize documents to file sizes less than 500 mb each.
Exam date must be within last 12 months.
Exam date must be within last 12 months.

Entlebucher #3 Information

Please resize documents to file sizes less than 500 mb each.
Exam date must be within last 12 months.
Exam date must be within last 12 months.

Code of Ethics Agreement

I am a NEMDA member in good standing, and I hereby apply to be a NEMDA Code of Ethics Breeder. I agree to uphold the rules and standards of the BREEDERS’ CODE OF ETHICS of the National Entlebucher Mountain Dog Association.

Verification and Submission

NOTE: When you click submit, this form will be emailed to the Breeding Panel, a receipt will be emailed to the owner address above, and the information in the form will be cleared.
For security verification, please enter any random two digit number. For example: 21