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If you are human, leave this field blank.
BCOE Litter Listing on NEMDA Website
Breeder Name
Kennel Name
Breeder Email Address
Breeder Telephone Number
Breeding Information: Dam
Dam’s Registered Name
Please include any AKC/CKC/FCI titles of record in the name.
Dam\’s Registration Number
List the AKC, CKC or FCI Registration number of the dam.
OFA Hip Registration Number
OFA Eye Certification Registry (CAER) Number
Other Health tests:
List any additional health clearances you wish to include.
Breeding Information: Sire
Sire’s Registered Name
Please include any AKC/CKC/FCI titles of record in the name.
Sire’s Registration Number
List the AKC, CKC or FCI Registration number of the sire.
OFA Hip Registration Number
OFA Eye Certification Registry (CAER) Number
Other Health tests:
List any additional health clearances you wish to include.
Listing Information
Requested Website Template:
Breeding Planned in Near Future
Breeding has taken place – currently Expecting Puppies
Litter has been whelped, puppies are on the ground
Planned Breeding:
Expected Time-frame – e.g. Fall, Spring, etc.
Expecting Puppies:
Approximate Litter Due Date
Date of Birth:
Number of Available Males:
Number of Available Females:
Terms of Agreement
Terms of Agreement
I have read and agree to the terms listed in the
outlining details of this service.
reCAPTCHA is required.
NOTE: When you click submit, this form will be emailed to the Website and Breed Committee Chairs, a receipt will be emailed to the breeder address above, and the information in the form will be cleared.